Perfume E-commerce Store


  • Wordpress
  • MySQL
  • AWS3


  • Website


When we talk about fragrance, perfume attributes to the maximum share of the market. Our client, having a perfume store, wanted to build an e-commerce website to create his online presence and make his products available to a larger customer segment. They approached Vrinsoft with a vision to create a single vendor e-commerce website that can increase their market reach. This case study will provide a detailed insight into how we approached our client’s requirements and pave our way to solutions.


Project Highlights

  • The e-commerce website follows a user-friendly approach to make browsing easy for customers.
  • The Guest User option enables limited access for potential customers, raising the chances of sales conversion.
  • Added category option to widely display product on the Home Page to increase user interaction.
  • The Add to Wishlist option helps the client identify user's choices and enables them to send on point notification at the time of offers.
  • Integration of responsive and visually appealing design to make a binding first impression.
  • Implemented robust security features to protect privacy of user’s data and information.
  • Website developed in WordPress offers timeless benefits and easy customization.


  • To provide easy accessibility for its customers.
  • Driving potential visitors to spend more time on the website and explore products.
  • Providing customers with frequent updates to create brand recognition.
  • Offer seamless backend to keep the customization process simple.
  • To convert leads into buyers.


  • Created an e-commerce website that’s fully functional and visually appealing.
  • Developed UI/UX layout that’s standardized and navigation-friendly.
  • Integrated WhatsApp and Email, making marketing and communication simple for the client.
  • Developed website in WordPress as it allows tailored ecommerce experience.
  • The Special Offers option integrated in the navigation bar to increase sales.
  • Added Third-Party payment option for easy and secure transactions.


  • Increase in website traffic due to convenient accessibility option.
  • Received higher customer satisfaction and retention due to easy-to-shop features available.
  • Smart and dynamic display of products on the home page results in effective sale conversion.
  • Increase brand’s availability for a larger audience segment by incorporating English and Arabic language option.

Our Client

Our client owns a perfume store and wants to expand his customer segment and market reach. They wanted to develop a single vendor e-commerce website to increase their sales and optimize the customer’s experience.

Client Requirements

  • Develop a mobile-responsive e-commerce website.
  • Make browsing products and placing orders hassle-free.
  • Secure payment transactions via integrating third-party payment gateway.
  • Provide an admin panel for managing users and products.

Proposed Solution

We came up with a solution to provide our client with a single vendor e-commerce website. To create a website that’s easily customizable and scalable for future demand, we have chosen WordPress for development. We provide the option to integrate a third-party API for email marketing and delivery for better management of admin side service.

Why We Chose This Solution?

To meet client’s needs and provide an accessible website, we have used WordPress for both frontend and backend development, MySQL for database, and AWS3 for server storage. Here’s why we proposed this solution,

  • We opted for WordPress as CMS as it is mobile friendly and offers a great scope for changes and scaling.
  • MySQL provides reliable and secure database management. Its high-speed and fast connectivity make it a promising choice for e-commerce databases.
  • Due to its high durability and low cost, AWS3 has become an ideal choice for server storage solutions.
  • To ensure security and reliability, we have integrated trustworthy third-party API for delivery and payment options.

Benefits of the Solution

Our solution provided the client with a customer-centric website making the buyer’s experience better. It increases the brand’s impression, resulting in expansion of reachability. We have integrated the Contact Us page to have seamless communication for users to avoid any scope of conflicts between the seller and the buyer.

Key Features

Guest Access and Checkout

With this feature, customers will be able to browse, make purchases, and checkout without registering on a website.

Social Media Integration

This feature allows users to navigate directly to social media pages by clicking on icons available in the header section.

Categories and Sorting

As we offer diverse products, categorizing makes it easy for users to browse as per their preferences. Sorting features allow users to get the best recommendations of products.

User Profile Management

You can easily edit your registered details, view your orders and favorites, manage and track your orders through this section.

Secure Payment Option

We have integrated a trustworthy and secure third-party gateway option for hassle-free transactions.

Driver Management Module

For managing delivery drivers, this feature is added in the backend admin panel to ensure safe and timely delivery of orders.

Shopping Cart Management

You can seamlessly add and remove products from the shopping cart, increase or decrease the quantity of the added product. Continue shopping button in the shopping cart page directly navigate you to home page without the difficulty of going back.

Multilanguage Support

This feature allows users to choose the language between Arabic and English that’s most understandable for them and thus making this website available for larger audience segments.

product_detail page
product_listing page

The Result

Client showed great satisfaction as the website we delivered met all their requirements. With the website’s user-friendly interface and high convenience, client experienced an immense rise in sales along with expanded reach.


You Have A Vision. We Have A Way!

Please send us information about your project. One of our project managers shall evaluate your project requirements and give you a formal proposal. Detailed information will help us evaluate your project accurately.



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