01. Web Portal
Web apps or web portals are designed for school administrators and students. Students need to sign up from the web portal to use the mobile app. Staff can check the student's progress through the web app.
02. Mobile App
The mobile app is specifically designed for the students. They can log in to the app and receive tasks, tests, rewards, and results of the test.
03. Shoutout
It is a general or pin-protected test or quiz designed by the school for the students. Students receive notification of a shoutout, and they need to enter a pin provided by a staff member, or they can just answer the questions.
04. Take Action
Take actions will be the task assigned by the school/staff to the student where the student can access the task, complete it, and submit it to the school. Task submission will be an automated process where the students will go to school and scan the unique QR code and Non-QR Code to take action, and the Web will approve it automatically.
05. Leaderboard
There are two types of leaderboards, for a specific task or for the entire program. It shows students with the highest scores.
06. Reward/Certification
After successful completion of a task or test, students receive rewards or certification from the school.
07. Group Study/Meeting
Students can join each other through a virtual meeting. We integrated google meet for any meeting.
08. Administrative Dashboard
Schools' administrators and staff can directly check analytics and other details from the dashboard. They can upload new tests or quizzes from the dashboard and track student progress.